Here we are straight to one of my favourite things about being a photographer: people!
If business is not your focus but you and your personal story are, this is exactly where you should be right now!
At every season we will find the most mazing locations and the best lights to shoot outdoors or, if you prefer a more intimate and cosy atmosphere, you know how much I love to shoot in the house! :)
Are you travelling and want some professional memories of your stay?
You want to challenge yourself in front of the lens?
You think the best gift to you friend/partner/family is a professional photo session?
Something special is happening in your life and it's time to record it without the stress of the "selfie stick"?
You want to dedicate yourself/someone special the time of beautiful walk that will stay in your memories forever and just want to enjoy it without any stress?

When something special happens it's always good to create photographic memories without the stress of the smartphone.
If what you're thinking right now is that you're terrible in front of the camera, that's just perfect! Believe it or not I know exactly how you feel and maybe that's the reason why I have somehow developed the knack of getting people to relax and almost forget the camera is there.
Forget about the old idea of a studio shoot where someone from behind the camera is shouting out instructions. It’s the opposite! Someone even said it's therapeutic! And most important of all: it's gonna be fun! That's been proved, so trust me, we can get past it together…

Both indoor and outdoor, you can expect from me the maximum respect of the current restrictions and limitations. I will be waring a mask and clean my equipment and hands before the session. Please let me know if any extra precaution has to be taken previous to your booking. If at any time of the session you start feeling uncomfortable and you would like to advance any suggestion, please feel totally free! You comfort and relax are my priorities.